Wednesday, June 22, 2011

very angry

Haven't seen one of my best friends much this year, in fact, just ONCE since he and his girlfriend got together in January.

The only time I've seen him? He stopped by to sell my dad a PSP.

I was getting the vibe he was with one of THOSE kind of girls when he missed the SUPER BOWL a week or so after they got together (he's a MAJOR football fan) to go to a children's birthday party of one of the friends of the woman's kid. Yeah with her not even a week and a half and he's going with her and the kid to other kids' birthday parties.

Well, it gets worse.

My sister is officially OUT of the Army, and beginning to get her stuff together to come home. She's been friends with my bud too for nearly ten years. Totally platonic friends (though while in the army they discussed a possible relationship one day, but never beyond discussion).

Apparently sis expressed to him she can't wait to hang out when she gets home, as they are GREAT friends.

He can't. His girlfriend wouldn't like it. I'm so pissed.

One, you're already depriving me of one of my nearest and dearest friends.
Two, you're depriving my SISTER, a WAR veteran, of one of her nearest and dearest friends.
THREE, you're suggesting my sister would make a move on him even though he has a girlfriend.
Four, my fiancee' misses hanging out with this friend too, and I'm wondering if this girl is preventing THAT from happening.

My fiancee and this friend used to hang out with each other, sans me, before he got with this girl. Now she doesn't even hear from him.

Hell we don't even see the dude on freaking facebook anymore. And he was a daily updater!

I want my friend to be happy, but before he got with her, he was so desperate for a relationship I think he just is so happy to have a female life form in his life, the hell with everything else.

I'm so mad. Just not really DIRECTLY mad at him, or his girl, just at the situation itself.

Also, very very sad because now I'm wondering if she's going to let him serve in my wedding. A little selfish, but this is my blog, so eff it.

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