Tuesday, January 17, 2012

social networking

Far be it from me to try and tell people what to write on their social networking sites, Lord knows I share too darn much sometimes. However, people should probably learn, no, accept that humans by nature gossip. They especially also love other people's misery.

So if you frequently make posts about various dumb decisions, retract on them, do them again, and repeat in a cycle, why are you then posting angry statuses for other people to mind their own business? You presented a train wreck. People love train wrecks. They will view, and formulate their own opinions and then share with their friends the train wreck in progress. And people tend to, if they have the means, go straight to the conductor of the train and tell them what they would do differently.

It's one of those common sense things people don't ever want to think about. And Heaven forbid you're straight up with people with tough well intentioned words. More or less if someone close to you says something you consider foul, they're telling you to your face what is being said behind your back...based on things you've shared publicly for many people to see.

Obviously I've only been inspired to write this due to a huge influx of cringe worthy facebook activity. For me, I'll try and keep to mostly musing about the world around me.