Sunday, June 19, 2011

Better than love?

You know, when my lady tells me she loves me, it makes me smile, I get that cliche' warm and fuzzy feeling and life is just peachy. But I mean I know she loves me, she knows I love her. Sometimes it feels like we say it out of habit. We don't DOUBT our love for each other, but sometimes the words do become routine. But at least when we say it, we do mean it. Some people use it so casually it's sickening.

I've had many a girl drop the "L" word on me well before I was comfortable with it and it usually had disastrous results. As far as our proper exclusive relationship goes, it was probably used between us earlier than I would have normally approved, and it surprised a lot of people I was expressing love for her so early on. But when facing facts, MONTHS prior to becoming boyfriend and girlfriend, we'd been hanging out all the time, our friendship was so strong. I knew when we started dating that I had a loyal partner. And I quickly realized that I did love her, which did stun her, even if the feeling was mutual.

The point of all this?

There's a phrase that is under used I think in relationships. She said it to me the other day and it warmed me more than the "I love you" does lately (and I'm not trying to say our love is complacent. Trust me, our love is very strong). She was chatting with one of her guy friends and he said something, recounted a story in his personal life, that offended her sensibilities.

When she called me, she wanted to tell me what her friend told her, but she prefaced it with this, "Baby, I appreciate you SO much."

"I appreciate you."

Think about that.

A person can drop love on just about anyone, family, friends, coworkers, (ideally) a romantic partner. But how many of them people can you really say you APPRECIATE? It's easy to love. It's a little more difficult to appreciate someone because after a while you just start taking them for granted. It's usually only at funerals do we realize how much we actually appreciated someone, and then, it's too late.

At least I know if I get hit by a car tomorrow, she not only still loves me, she does indeed appreciate me and all that I am.

I didn't DOUBT her appreciation, but it was still nice to hear it from her. I expect a daily "I love you." The "I appreciate you" was like a surprise visit at work with cupcakes.

Anyway, I always encourage people saying to let each other know you love them, but you know maybe I need to remind people to express their appreciation to each other as well.

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